Cheats For Starcraft 2 Custom Games


  1. Starcraft 2 Cheat Table
  2. Starcraft 2 Custom Games Cheats
  • StarCraft II continues the epic saga of the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg. These three distinct and powerful races will clash once again in the fast-paced real-time strategy sequel to the legendary original, StarCraft. Legions of veteran, upgraded, and brand-new unit types will do battle across the galaxy, as each faction struggles for survival.
  • In the single player mode of StarCraft and StarCraft II, players can input specific phrases and words in the chat dialog box, which have a variety of effects. If entered correctly, the desired effect immediately takes place and the message 'Cheat enabled' appears on the screen. Most cheats can be simply disabled by re-entering them in the chat dialog box, but some do not toggle back off again.
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You’ve already discovered some of the cheat codes hidden within StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, but you haven’t found them all. We thought it was time to lift the veil and reveal all of the official codes available in the single-player mode. In Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty for the PC, there are several cheat codes you can activate for various effects. During the game, hit Enter to bring up the message prompt and type in the following codes for the desired effect. Please note that turning on cheat codes disables achievements for your current game. 5,000 Custom Resources. Quick guide on how to find, edit, and backup your Starcraft 2 custom games banks files. Starcraft 2 Cheats Was this site helpful to you? We would very much appreciate you whitelisting us or using this link when you shop on Amazon (no impact on your order).

Blizzard Entertainment has released the official entire list of StarCraft 2 Cheats. The cheat codes work for Single Player (customer, campaign, tutorial, etc) on both PC & Mac version of StarCraft 2. You can can secure instant victory and other advantages such as: God Mode, Infinite Resources etc. by using these SC 2 cheats. But remember, you won’t get any 2.0 achievements once you enter any of the cheat codes on your game.

StarCraft 2 Cheats Codes:

To enable the following cheats, Press “ENTER” while in game open console, Type the cheat you want to use and Press “ENTER” again to activate it. You must get a small notification message saying that the cheat has been entered successfully.

1. WhatIsBestInLife
Instant Victory

2. LetsJustBugOutAndCallItEven
Instant Defeat

3. TookTheRedPill
Disables Fog of War

4. Bunker55AliveInside
Disables the need for Supplies (Food)


5. TerribleTerribleDamage
Enables God Mode

6. SpectralTiger
Adds 5000 Minerals to the Available Resources

7. RealMenDrillDeep
Adds 5000 Gas to the Available Resources

8. WhoRunBartertown
Adds 5000 of each Resource to the Available Resources

9. SoSayWeAll
Allows the use of all Tech

10. IAmIronMan
Instantly Allows all Upgrades

11. CatFoodForPrawnGuns
Enables Fast Builds and Fast Upgrades

12. HanShotFirst
Disables Cooldowns on Spells

13. TyuHasLeftTheGame
Disables Victory Conditions to Allow Continued Play

14. NeverGiveUpNeverSurrender
Enables Continued Play After a Defeat

15. ImADoctorNotARoachJim
Enables Fast Unit Healing

16. MoreDotsMoreDots
All Units and Buildings are Free to Build (No Cost)

*The Starcraft 2 cheats mentioned above disable Starcraft 2 Achievements.

Starcraft 2 Story Mode Cheat Codes:

1. WhySoSerious
Adds 5 Million Credits

2. LeaveYourSleep
Opens all Missions (Ability to Jump to Missions)

3. EyeOfSauron
Allows Access to all Cinematics

4. StayClassyMarSara
Allows Access to all UNN TV News Broadcasts

5. HoradricCube
Opens all Research Options

The Starcraft 2 cheats stated on top of this reminder disable Starcraft 2 Achievements.

Starcraft 2 Custom Maps Cheat Codes:

1. Jaynestown
Adds 5000 Terrazine to the Available Resources

The above mentioned cheats disable Starcraft 2 Achievements.

Starcraft 2 Easter Egg Cheat Codes: (does not disable SC2 Achievements)

1. OverEngineeredCodPiece
Plays the Song Terran Up the Night

The Terran Starcraft 2 easter egg cheat does not disable SC2 Achievements.

Tip:You can enter the last cheat code without having to typing it again to console. Just open console, Press “=” and enter, StarCraft 2 will automatically enable the last cheat you entered.

Warning:Don’t use any kind of 3rd party StarCraft 2 hacks in Single Player mode. It may lead to your account suspension.

Corey Feldman Interview
Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the console window. Then, type one of the following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Enabling cheat codes, except for the 'overengineeredcodpiece' code, will prevent achievements from being earned until a new game is started or a saved game is loaded.

Starcraft 2 Cheat Table

Result Cheat Code
God modeterribleterribledamage
All missions [Note]leaveyoursleep
All research options [Note]horadriccube
5 million credits [Note]whysoserious
5,000 gasrealmendrilldeep
5,000 mineralsspectraltiger
5,000 of each resources whorunbartertown
5,000 Terrazine on custom maps using Terrazine jaynestown
All upgradesiamironman
Fast buildcatfoodforprawnguns
Fast healimadoctornotaroachjim
Units do not cost resourcesmoredotsmoredots
No supply cap bunker55aliveinside
Disable fog of wartooktheredpill
Disable ability cooldownhanshotfirst
Disable tech requirementssosayweall
Disable defeat conditionsnevergiveupneversurrender
Disable victory conditionstyuhasleftthegame
Win current gamewhatisbestinlife
Lose current gameletsjustbugoutandcalliteven
All cinematics [Note]eyeofsauron
All UNN Broadcasts [Note]stayclassymarsara
Play the 'Terran Up The Night' songoverengineeredcodpiece

Starcraft 2 Custom Games Cheats

Note: Only available in Campaign mode.